


1. Officials

The officials of the Association shall be a President, and Vice Presidents. Each of these positions shall have a term of 2 years and be re-electable.

a. President and Vice Presidents

  1. One President shall be elected at the General Assembly of the KTC Alumni Association
  2. Honorary President shall be the Director General of the KTC
  3.  Two or more Vice Presidents shall be designated by the President in consultation with the Secretariat of the KTC Alumni Association, except for the first two Vice Presidents who were appointed by the Honorary President.
2. Members

a. Regular Members

Any person who meets the following requirements shall be a member of the KTC Alumni Association

– Participants

  Those who participated in the seminars of the KTC and have completed course work in good standing.

– KTC Staff

  Current and former KTC staff

b. Honorary members

Honorary members shall be experts from the OECD and its member Countries who have participated in and have led the KTC seminars as an instructor. Honorary membership may be given to any person who has made remarkable contributions to the KTC or the KTC Alumni Association as judged by the Secretariat.

c. Duties and Responsibilities

– Members shall promote the ideals of the Association and maintain honor, dignity and decency of the Association by
  performing all duties and responsibilities decided by the Association.

– Members of the Association should actively participate in the activities of the Association.

– Members should help each other at their discretion when asked to help.

– Members should contribute to the development of the KTC Alumni Association and its members.

– Members are required to attend events including symposiums, forums and etc. held by the Association.

– Every member shall conduct their business through on-line and off-line channels to fulfill the objectives of the Association.

d. Termination

Membership shall be terminated either by death, withdrawal or expulsion.

– Withdrawal: any member desiring to terminate his or her membership by withdrawal shall submit a written notice to the Secretariat, and the Secretariat shall issue a clearance within 15 days upon the receipt of the written notice.

– Expulsion: if a member commits any act prejudicial to the interest of the Association, the Secretariat may expel his or her membership.

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