2013 The Bilateral Programme with the Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue

Bilateral Programme with the Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue

Dusit Thani Hotel, Manila, The Philippines, January 29-31, 2013)

□ Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre hosted the bilateral programme with the Philippines BIR in order

    to strengthen capabilities of the Philippines tax officials and to give technical assistances by disseminating

    advanced tax systems of Korea in Manila on 29-31 January in 2013.

□ At the seminar, participants learned about international tax issues including tax treaties, Korean tax systems,

    international tax avoidance and e-tax system in Korea together with case studies. Also, there were

    presentations introducing Korea such as the role of the KTC & global relations programme of the OECD and

    Korean economy & culture.

ㅇ As part of the bilateral programme, the meeting between the KTC family members in the Philippines and

    Korean investors was organized to enhance understandings about the Philippines tax systems.

□ International tax seminar for tax officials in the Philippines

ㅇ Mr. Kyu Bum CHO pointed out that the Philippines is one of the most actively participated countries in the

    OECD tax seminar in Korea. He also said the Philippines is a major economic partner and allied nation of


ㅇ Ms. Kim Jacinto Henares, Commissioner of the BIR said that the Philippines is now trying to benchmark

    Korea’s tax systems and electronic tax administration systems. She added that this seminar will be quite

    helpful for enhancing capabilities of tax officials and for developing tax systems in the Philippines.

KTC Family reunion meeting & meeting with Korean investors

□ Participants were able to not only strengthen their practical capabilities but also gain much interest toward auditing small and medium enterprises. They also showed sincere appreciation to the KTC and its members for hosting and managing the event.

□ KTC has hoted a KTC Family reunion meeting inviting Ms. Sales, Deputy Commissioner of the BIR and Ms.

    Recente, high ranking official from the DOF, KTC Family members in the Philippines and Korean investors.

ㅇ At this meeting, Mr. James Roldan, Assistant Commissioner, Enforcement Service, has made a presentation

    about the Philippines tax systems for foreign entrepreneurs giving much help to understand more about

    the Philippines tax administrations.

Expanding exchanges between Korea and the Philippines

□ Currently, BIR is in charge of tax administration and the DOF is dealing with tax policies in the Philippines.

    DOF has asked the KTC to host this kind of bilateral programme with their organization to learn from

    Korea’s experiences. KTC has promised to make efforts in order to implement the seminar with the DOF in

    the near future.

Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre

KTC Family

KTC Family

"KTC Alumni Association,
KTC Family as a centre of multi-cooperation and networking hub for taxation matters in Asia-Pacific countries"

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