Bilateral Programme with MoF, Uganda

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The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre has conducted a bilateral programme with Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda (MOF, Uganda) from 20th to 24thNovember 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.

This cooperation programme has been initiated by the request of the MOF, Uganda. In the recent years, the influx of multinational enterprises has been increased since there has been great integration of Uganda’s economy with the rest of the world. It brings economic development on the nations, but at the same time it may be attributed to loopholes in the tax laws and insufficient safeguards in the tax treaties.

In this regard, the OECD Korea Policy Centre in conjunction with the MOF, Uganda have organized a workshop to handle international tax treaties in the context of the BEPS project with a view to facilitate tax avoidance. The participants were assisted by experts from the OECD Korea Policy Centre to review issues and had open discussions as well.

Here are the main topics discussed during the workshop,

– Introduction to International Taxation

– Introduction to Transfer Pricing

– Tax Treaties

– OECD/G20 BEPS Project/Multilateral Legal Instrument: BEPS Project Action 15/ Transfer Pricing Documentation: BEPS Project Action 13

– Tax policy of Korea: Economic Development History

– Transfer Pricing Issues related to the BEPS Project Action 8-10

– OECD’ Current Tax Policy Issues and Global relations Programme

– Tax Treaty Negotiation and Korea’s Experience

Overall, the workshop has facilitated preparation of a matrix on emerging issues and new proposals aimed at strengthening existing tax treaties, advanced skills and knowledge to participants with regard to the post BEPS reforms in the context of developing countries, and enhanced the quality 

Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre

KTC Family

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