The 73rd OECD Tax Seminar on Advanced Transfer Pricing

The 73rd OECD Tax Seminar on “Advanced Transfer Pricing”

(2012. 5.14 ~ 19, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju)

□ The Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre hosted the 73rd OECD International Tax

    Seminar on Advanced Transfer Pricing for six days from May 14 (Mon.) to May 19 (Sat.),

    2012 in Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju Island.

□ This seminar on Transfer Pricing was an advanced course which was based on lectures followed by discussions, case studies and practical examples covering topics of recent developments in transfer pricing including the OECD Transfer Guidelines on comparability and profit methods. There have been active discussions and participations by all participants from non member countries based on their experience who were middle and high ranking officials in charge transfer pricing administration.

ㅇ Experts from OECD member countries (OECD Secretariat, the UK, and Japan) participated as lecturers and 18 tax officials from 12 non-OECD economies in the Asia Pacific region (including three Korean tax officials from the NTS) participated in the seminar.

□ The seminar was carried out in Jeju Island, one of the most favorite tourist destinations so it was highly evaluated by participants who were satisfied with not only the contents of the seminar but also with the social events.

Main Contents

□ The main topics which were discussed during the seminar are as follows:
   ㅇ Recent developments and update on OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines
   ㅇ Arm’s Length Principle (Comparability and Profit Methods)
   ㅇ Valuation of intangibles and case studies
   ㅇ Business Restructuring & Transfer Pricing
   ㅇ Taxation of permanent establisments and transfer pricing
   ㅇ Korea tax systems (Coordination of International Tax Act)

□ Experts from the OECD Secretariat, the UK, and Japan participated as lecturers to

    disseminate and share their practical experience and Know-How.

Mr. Stefaan De Baets, OECD Administrator

Mr. Tony Clark, HMRC, UK

Mr. Ryutaro Ikeda, NTA, Japan

ㅇ Mr. Jung Hong Kim, Director of the Korea Tax Centre carried out a special session on Korean international tax legislation.

Provided Opportunities to Enjoy Natural Landscape of Jeju

□ After the seminar, all participants had an opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery of Jeju such as Sungsan Sunrise Peak through social events.

Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre

KTC Family

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