OECD Advisory Group / Task Force on Tax and Development

OECD Advisory Group / Task Force on Tax and Development

29-31 October 2013, Seoul, Korea

□ The Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre (Director General: CHO, Kyu Bum) hosted the back-to-back meeting of the Advisory Group for Co-operation with Non-OECD partners and the OECD Task Force on Tax and Development on 29-31, October, 2013 at Novotel Ambassador Gangnam Hotel in Seoul, Korea.

Advisory Group Meeting

□ The 12th Annual Meeting of the Advisory Group for Co-operation with Non-OECD Partners was held from 29th to 30th morning, October, 2013. Delegates from 45 countries and international tax organisations discussed issues related to the recent international tax trends and plans to improve programs including OECD Global Relations Programme aimed toward non-OECD economies.

  ㅇ During the meeting, 70 delegates discussed about the results and future plans of the OECD Global Relations Programme. Delegates also addressed topics such as OECD tax implications of international tax development, improving the international co-operation, strengthening ASEAN regional networks, and so on.

Task Force on Tax and Development

□ The 4th Plenary Meeting of OECD Task Force on Tax and Development was co-hosted with the Ministry of Strategy and Finance(MOSF), Republic of Korea. The meeting was held from 30th afternoon to 31st, October, 2013. Task Force consisting of approximately 120 delegates assessed the opportunities and challenges facing the tax and development community in the next decade. The meeting also took stock of where the Task Force is helping and planed future actions for the Task Force.

  ㅇ Tax and development government officials and delegates from international and related organizations focused on finding measures to strengthen developing countries’ tax policy and administrative capabilities so as to secure the developing economies’ financial soundness and to aide in their economic development.

Special Events

□ The Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre prepared various special events for the delegates attending the back-to-back international meeting. The special events are as follows:

    ㅇ 10.28(Mon) Dinner: AG Reception Cocktail Party

    ㅇ 10.29(Tues) Dinner: Welcoming Dinner / Korean Classical Music

    ㅇ 10.30(Wed) Lunch: Joint Lunch

    ㅇ 10.31(Thu) Dinner: Farewell Dinner

□ By participating in the special events, participants were able to interact and meet old and new friends and acquaintances. Also, programs such as the Korean Classical Music performances helped delegates learn and deepen their understanding about the Korean culture and history.

Achievements and Evaluation of the Event

 ㅇ This international event was the largest of its kind to be hosted by the Tax Programme and also for the OECD Korea Policy Centre, ever since the Centre’s establishment in 2007. The back-to-back meeting welcomed distinguished guests from all over the world. Domestically, Deputy Prime Minister of MOSF, Executive Secretary of the OECD Korea Policy Centre and the President of KDI took part in the event. Foreign VIPs such as OECD CTPA Director, OECD DCD Director, Commissioner of Papua New Guinea Tax Service, Commissioner General of Uganda and many more high officials also joined the meetings.

 ㅇ This event significantly contributed in selecting the agendas and objectives for the upcoming Advisory Group and Tax and Development Meetings in 2014. Also, the meetings helped address tax related challenges faced by the international community while simultaneously provide a meaningful venue to discuss and analyze such challenges among delegates.

ㅇ Through this international event, the Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre has received much praise and recognition, undoubtedly contributing to its reputation in its field both domestically and internationally.

Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre

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