2012 Bilateral Programme with the Revenue Department of Thailand

2012 Bilateral Programme
with the Revenue Department of Thailand

(2012. 4. 3 ~ 5, Phuket & Bangkok, Thailand)

□ The Tax Centre, OECD Korea Policy Centre hosted a Bilateral Programme with the   Revenue Department of Thailand (RDT) in April, 2012 in Phuket and Bangkok, Thailand.
   ㅇ The Tax Centre hosted a two-day seminar (April 3-4, 2012) covering topics       of ‘Principle of International Taxation based on OECD and UN Models,       Transfer Pricing Guidelines and Korea’s International Tax Laws and Tax Cases’       in Graceland Hotel, Phuket. Around 30 tax officials including officials in       charge of international taxation from the RDT (Bangkok) and from Phuket Tax       Office participated in the seminar.
   ㅇ High ranking officials from the Revenue Department of Thailand participated in the      Opening Session (April 3, 2012) including Dr. Satit Rungkasiri, Director General of the      RDT, and Director of the RDT, as well as Regional Director in Southern part of      Thailand.

□ Mr. Kim, Jong Yeul, Director General of the Tax Centre, OECD Korea Policy Centre

   ㅇ In the opening remarks, Mr. Kim, Jong Yeul, Director General of the Tax Centre

      expressed that he is pleased to have a Bilateral Programme in Thailand where there

      are many participants who had been to OECD Tax seminars in Korea and stated that

      the Bilateral Programme will be a great opportunity to strengthen cooperative

      relations between Thailand and Korea.

Hosted a Tax Seminar for Officials of the Revenue Department of Thailand

□ Renowned outside experts in the taxation fields were invited to give lectures on 

   International Taxation, Transfer Pricing Guidelines and Korean Tax Systems in the

   seminar held in Phuket, Thailand.

□ Dr. Lee, Kwang Ho (Consultant at Samil PWC)

□ Dr. Lee, Kyoung Geun (Tax accountant at Yulchon)

□ Held a Closing Ceremony together with a Certificate Granting to

   30 seminar participants from the RDT in April 4 (Wed.), 2012 (Granted a certificate

   and a gift)

ㅇ Ms. Jidtar (Tax Policy Bureau, RDT), representative of the participants extended her

      gratitude for providing an opportunity to learn about the latest theory of

      international taxation and transfer pricing. Especially, she mentioned that it was

      really instructive to learn about Coordination of International Tax Act and Korea’s

      cases, and expected that the lessons learned throughout the seminar days will be

      very helpful in establishing Thai tax policies in the future.

□ Certificate Granting Ceremony

Hosted a KTC Family Local Reunion in Thailand and Meeting with Korean Investors/Businesses Leaders

□ Hosted a KTC Family Local Reunion in Thailand and a meeting with Korean investors/

   business leaders in the evening of April 5th, 2012 in S31 Hotel, Bangkok

   ㅇ Mr. Nirandara, (Senior Tax Specialist, RDT) delivered a presentation on Recent

       Trends of International Taxation in Thailand for Korean investors/businesses.

□ Mr. Nirandara Prachuabmoh, Senior Tax Specialist of the Tax Policy Bureau, RDT 
   ㅇ Many participants joined together in the KTC Family Local Reunion in Thailand, ;      around 30 KTC Family members including Dr. Satit Rungkasiri, Director General of the      RDT, Mr. Wali M. Shaikh, Vice President of the KTC Family (Deputy Commissioner,      Inland Revenue, Pakistan), and around ten participants from the Korean Business      Circle in Thailand including Mr. Kim, Do Soon, Vice President of Korea Thailand      Chamber of Commerce, Financial Attaché of the Korean Embassy in Thailand and      relevant workers from Korean companies.

□ Mr. Kim, Jung Hong, Director of the Tax Centre, OECD Korea Policy Centre

□ Mr. Wali Shaikh, Vice President of the KTC Family Alumni Association

ㅇ This reunion event ended in great success with an active participation by Thai officials from the RDT including Dr. Rungkasiri, Director General and by Korean investors/business leaders. Many Korean business leaders acquainted themselves with Thai tax officials of the RDT and they evaluated that this event has been a good opportunity for them to strengthen ties with the RDT. In the latter part of the Reunion, many participants entertained themselves with songs and dances under the karaoke melody.

KTC Family

KTC Family

"KTC Alumni Association,
KTC Family as a centre of multi-cooperation and networking hub for taxation matters in Asia-Pacific countries"

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