A letter from Cambodia (The Bilateral Program with GDT, Cambodia)

  OECD-KOREA Multilateral Tax Centre

 The Bilateral Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre & GDT, Cambodia
International Taxation & Taxation of Financial Instruments
6-7 December 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 



     I am very proud to have been attended the seminar on International Tax Avoidance  organized by the OECD Korea Tax Center  22-27 August 2011 and also to be a member of the KCT Family in Cambodia.






    I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the management and all level of the officials of the OECD Korea Tax Center who has been working hard and  

and making noticeable progress on perfect organizing, facilitating and coordinating in the process of  the  seminar.  



    Through the seminar organized by OECD Korea tax Center is a great opportunity for all participants to exchange ideas and experiences, Identify strong and weakness of their taxes policy and lay down the measure for the future.



    In this spirit, I strongly support and encourage the management and all level of officials of the OECD Korea Tax Center to continue your hard work to achieve more success.









             Deputy Chief, Audit Bureau

             General Department of Taxation

             Ministry of Economy and Finances


KTC Family

KTC Family

"KTC Alumni Association,
KTC Family as a centre of multi-cooperation and networking hub for taxation matters in Asia-Pacific countries"

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